Twin Peaks

Television Series created by David Lynch and Mark Frost


TWIN PEAKS Twin peaks is filled with doubles of all kinds. From characters that come in twos and sets of twos:

Bobbie and Mike / Bob and Mik
Laura / Maddie
The Horn brothers (U.S.A) / The Renault brothers (Canada)
Agent Cooper / Windham Earle
Norma and Hank / Ed and Nadine
Leland Palmer / Bob
The Dwarf / The giant

… and the double lives they lead (Laura being the most striking example of too much compacted into one person)… to the parallel worlds of the white and black lodges and the binary decor of the waiting room where speech comes out backwards.

Additional examples of doubling in Twin Peaks include:

Laura has two diaries instead of one
Twin halves of Laura’s locket
Waldo, the mimicking bird
The Double R Diner
Ben Horn’s civil war reenactment (the civil war is itself an example of two nations in one)
Josie’s discovery of two legers for the Packard Mill
Denis/Denise, the transvestite DEA agent
Two possible fathers (Andy/Dick) for Lucy’s baby

Twin Peaks is so amazing you’ll want to watch it at least twice.